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Institute of Human Resource Management

Sri Lanka's #1 Human Resource Management Institute

Dr. Yoshitha Hettiarachchi

Master Of Entrepreneurship, B.Sc Administration Sp. ADBEM SP, DEBM, LICA/MAAT, Visiting Lecturer - HRM

Take the next step toward your Personal and profeesional goals with IHRM

The Institute of Human Resource Management, Sri Lanka (IHRM) is pleased to release this "Study Pack" related to the Foundation Course in Human Resource Management (FCHRM). The "Study Packs" for the more advanced courses, namely the Certificate Course in Human Resource Management (CCHRM) and, of course, our flagship course the Professional Qualification in Human Resource Management (PQHRM) will follow.
There has been a strong call by both students and resource persons alike for the standardization of 'Study Material' relevant to each course. This will also bring about much consistency in study material for the benefit of all, particularly lecturers and students..

In conclusion, I wish you all success with your studies and research in the entire gamut of this most intriguing and fascinating subject: Human Resources!

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